No the light stays off when the microwave oven door is opened. The light comes on only when the microwave oven starts the heating operation. This is a normal operation and within the manufacture specification for the following US models;
Date manufactured | Model |
Manufactured before March 2019 | NN-SN651 |
NN-SN661 | |
NN-SN671 | |
NN-SA651 | |
NN-SA631 | |
NNSA651 | |
NN-SB646 | |
NN-SU686 | |
NN-SU696 | |
NN-SU656 | |
NN-SU676 | |
Manufactured before March 2019 | NN-SB646 |
NN-SB428 | |
NN-SB448 | |
Manufactured before April 2019 | NN-SB428 |
NN-SB448 | |
NN-SD654 | |
manufactured before year 2016 | NN-SD681 |
NN-SN686 |