Features - Rice Cooker types comparison.

There are two main types of rice cookers: A "microcomputer rice cooker" and an "IH (Induction Heating) rice cooker."
In addition, there are two types of IH rice cookers: A pressure type and a non-pressure type.

Microprocessor rice cooker features
This type cooks rice by heating it from the bottom of the pan with a heater. Although it has slightly less heating power than an IH rice cooker, it can cook delicious rice provided that the amount is small. This type is also more affordable than an IH rice cooker.

IH rice cooker features
IH rice cookers use the action of magnetic force lines to generate heat throughout the entire metal pan. These rice cookers heat immediately, applying high heating power to uniformly cook the rice all the way to the core. Heat is applied from the pot bottom and sides and from several other sites. Cooking is accomplished by conveying heat thoroughly to each and every grain. 

Pressure-type rice cooker
These rice cookers achieve water temperatures exceeding 100°C by applying pressure inside the cooker. Releasing the pressure at once causes the rice to jump wildly about. This causes the rice to mix from the bottom, allowing uniform heating from the core of the rice.

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